Case Studies

community hall acoustics
The McBride Community Centre is a vital hub for the local community, hosting a variety of events and activities throughout the year. However, before the renovations, the acoustics in the centre were less than optimal, with sound bouncing off the walls and creating a reverberant, echoey space.
To address these issues, the McBride Community Centre worked with acoustical consultants to identify problem areas and develop a plan for improvements. This included installing our Echotrol Acoustic Panels and Echotrol Acoustic Baffles on the walls and ceiling of the gymnasium, as well the community hall.

Acoustic Wall Panel Mural as a Cost-Savings Exercise
The Thelma Chalifoux School in Edmonton was built using the integrated project delivery model, commonly called IPD for short. This model varies from traditional Design-Bid-Build projects in that it allows more collaboration between all of the key stakeholders. As a part of this process, Western Noise Control was brought in to discuss options for adding acoustic treatment into this common area, while keeping costs low.

Community Hockey Arena Acoustics on a Budget
Like every municipality, the City of Chilliwack had a set budget available for the arena, some of which was allocated for acoustic treatment. Unfortunately, that budget did not cover the required amount to meet the recommended reverberation time targets. Budget constraints are not uncommon, so the City of Chilliwack and Western Noise Control worked together on a clever solution to increase acoustic treatment, without additional cost to the city.